SCULPTURE by John Banks
Proposed Designs

Proposed gift to the US Embassy in Jerusalem

Focal Point and side view of sculpture.

6 different views of a sculpture that forms into the word ART at the Focal Point.

Focal Point and side view of sculpture.

Side view of Straight Art

7 views of the sculpture Straight Art

Proposal for the Downtown Arts District competition designed in 24 inch steel pipe. This design was later commissioned by the city of Long Beach California to become "Mobile Art".

Proposal for the Downtown Arts District competition designed in 24 inch steel pipe.

Museum of Latin American Art Proposal.

An interior hanging composition which reads the word "Sculpture" at the focal point. One single line spells the word in written script.

The proposal superimposed in the proposal atrium.

This design simulates a fire hydrant floating in space. The support column is hidden by the flow of water.

The poster board proposal.

top detail

front detail

Architectural rendering of the finished exterior showing the original twin towers design of steel and glass modified into a multi image design of a (ground) ZERO and the symbol of INFINITY.

Focal point sculpture that forms into the image of "Atlanta" and flows into the shapes of ocean waves from the side.

This design spells the name "Atlanta" from the focal point and looks like ocean waves from the side.

Designed to be displayed on the Jersey shore with the NY city skyline in the background.

Designed to be displayed on the Jersey shore with the NY city skyline in the background.

USA focal point

Lunar Lander focal point.

4 details

side view showing the letters USA in the shadow.

Two focal points spell the abbreviation "NAM".

Side views of the design.

Design for Las Vegas City Hall completion spell "Vegas - Las Vegas". Focal point of first image.

Design for Las Vegas City Hall completion spell "Vegas - Las Vegas". Right side view of the Vegas image.

Design for Las Vegas City Hall completion spell "Vegas - Las Vegas". Left side of the Vegas image. In the background to the right is the left side view of the Las Vegas design.

Design for Las Vegas City Hall completion spell "Vegas - Las Vegas". 4 views of the Vegas image.

Design for Las Vegas City Hall completion spelling "Vegas - Las Vegas". Focal point of Las Vegas image.

Design for Las Vegas City Hall completion spelling "Vegas - Las Vegas". Right side view of Las Vegas image.

Design for Las Vegas City Hall completion spelling "Vegas - Las Vegas". Right side further view of the Las Vegas image.

Design for Las Vegas City Hall completion spell "Vegas - Las Vegas". 4 views of the Las Vegas image.

This Multi Image design spells the word ZOO from two directions in positive and negative space.


Multi Image sculpture showing the Purple Heart medal viewed from the top and the letters “Vietnam Veterans Memorial” in negative space from the side. Multiple shapes are seen from the side of the symbol of a fallen soldier.

Multi Image sculpture showing the Purple Heart medal viewed from the top and the letters “Vietnam Veterans Memorial” in negative space from the side. Multiple shapes are seen from the side of the symbol of a fallen soldier.

Details of the symbols of a fallen soldier.

Three images combined into one composition. Designed to simulate the weathered sandstone of Red Rock Canyon.